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Welcome to Akanishi Lover'S, place for the one and only Akanishi's Fans.
[Single] BANDAGE - LANDS (Akanishi Jin x Kobayashi Takeshi) Release: 2009.11.25.
[Album] Olympus - LANDS (Akanishi Jin x Kobayashi Takeshi) Release: 2010.01.1.
BANDAGE - [Movie OST] ANOTHER BANDAGE Release: 2010.01.13.
[Movie] BANDAGE Opening Day: 2010.01.16.
[Concert] Star Live You&Jin (Akanishi Jin) Schedule: 2010.02.07 -2010.02.28 (32 performances)
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Akanishi Lover'S
Akanishi Lover'S

Posts : 181
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Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 39
Location : ~ JIN IN THE WORLD~

PostSubject: GENERAL RULES   GENERAL RULES EmptyTue Aug 18, 2009 9:32 pm

wahai teman-temanku yang baik, budiman, rajin menabung, dan tidak sombong, selamat datang alias welcome to our lovely forum. I love you

forum ini diperuntukkan khusus bagi pecinta, ato bahasa kerennya fans, Akanishi Jin, the A (akuma? ;p) of KAT-TUN, dan seperti kebanyakan forum lainnya, disinipun ada RULES.

1.kamu bisa bebas 'menjelajah' isi forum ini... tapiiiii harap postingan dijaga kerapihannya supaya ga bingung liatnya...

berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai isi forum ini:

MURASAKI yang terdiri dari:
PINKY -> RULES' section, n
LOVE JUICE -> buat memperkenalkan diri, jangan lupa mampir yaaaa...

LOVE OR LIKE, yang terdiri dari:
CARE -> buat ngomongin apa aja ttg Jin,termasuk gossip, dan opini qta
WONDER -> buat tempat share 'rampokan' yang berupa dokumen, contohnya nikki dan berita-berita tentang Jin

BUTTERFLY, disini qta bisa bagi2 'hasil rampokan' qta {jangan lupa kasi 'credit' ke empunya, biar ga da yang merasa dirugikan.
HA HA -> 'rampokan' yang berupa video, mp3, n lirik, masuk sini...
HELPLESS NIGHT -> tempat kamu bisa ngerequest apa aja...

2. jangan menghina, klo ga mo dihina... Cool

3. harap nulis dengan huruf normal, biasakanlah menggunakan tulisan yang baik dan benar, maksudnya, jangan ada huruf kapital di tengah-tengah kata (ex: aKanIShi JiN)

4. and the last, but not least, NO FANFIC ALLOWED. Mungkin inilah rules teraneh yang pernah kalian lihat tapi, disini kita cuma mau ngobrol-ngobrol, bukan mau menghayal... Wink

Sekian rules dari qta. Ga banyak kaaan??? hehehe... nah., karena ga banyak, maka tolonglah dipatuhi...

ur admins and mods

p.s. klo ada yang mau ditanyakan, atau ngomong apa aja yang berhubungan dengan rules ini, silahkan reply di tret ini study

I love you

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Akanishi Lover'S
Akanishi Lover'S

Posts : 84
Love : 10877
Join date : 2009-08-18
Age : 35
Location : murasaki no heya

PostSubject: GENERAL RULES: English   GENERAL RULES EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 2:43 pm

Welcome to our lovely forum, dedicated to the only Akanishi Jin's fans out there ;p

Just like the other forums, Akanishi Lover's also has some rules to keep things organized, they are:

1.You are free to 'explore' this site, but please mind the sections where u're posting

The following are brief explanation of the contents of this forum:

MURASAKI, which is contains:
  • PINKY -> RULES' section, n
  • LOVE JUICE -> the place where u can introduce urself to the other, don't forget to pay a visit, okay?! Very Happy
  • CARE -> here you can discuss anything about Jin, including gossips (or gossiping 'bout him), and our opinion on him
  • WONDER -> a place where u can wondering about news, gossip, info, which are written such as nikki.
BUTTERFLY:[b] here we can share our 'treasure'. Don't forget to give 'credits' to the owner so nobody feels offended.
  • [b]HA HA -> videos, mp3, n lyrics goes here...
  • HELPLESS NIGHT -> also known as request bin, a place where you can request anything Don't forget to place ur request in the right place
2. Do not bashing anyone, any group or any community 🆒

3. Please write in the usual way, mind the capital letter is only placed in the front of the words, (ex: aKanIShi JiN)

4. and the last, but not least, FANFIC is PROHIBITED. NO FANFIC ALLOWED. Maybe this is the strangest rules u've ever met, but in this forum, we just want to chat and discussing things, and sharing the real objects. 😉

That's all the rules we have. It's just a few rules right, therefore, I hope you can obey it to your heart content.

ur admins and mods

p.s. if you have any question, or just have opinions and suggestions related to these rules, u can simply reply here study

I love you

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